Thursday, April 5, 2012

Final 12 concetration images.

'Tis all!


  1. Your pictures turned out really well. They give off a natural feeling and the way you captured the frost on the apple and plants is super cool. I would try the hand in the water at a different angle. Other than that your photos look great!

  2. I really like the progression of the pictures. It makes the theme stand out even more. The only thing I would say is that the last picture of the tree could be stronger. I just think you have better pictures than that one. Other than that, I love your pictures.

  3. I love yout photos! They all give off a natural feeling. My favorite one is the apple. Its nively taken and the frost on it makes it really cool. I think that on the second one you could of cropped it, just to get the water only.

  4. The mushroom picture is so cool! Your whole series is very strong, I really like your use of rain it especially ties in with the area we live in!

  5. Wow your concentration is very interesting! Good work. The clarity is amazing in some of the images, especially the first one. The only thing you could maybe improve is the clarity in a couple of the moving water photos.

  6. Nice work! I really like your idea, the only thing I might change is rotating a few of your water images to create more interesting angles. Great job!

  7. I really like your concentration theme and the idea of the water cycle! I think your pictures are beautiful and show a lot of variety. There are a few pictures I think could've been stronger but they are all very clear and nicely taken.

  8. You did a lot of experimentation in your theme and it really shows, so great work on trying something different and beyond your control for the most part! There seems to be a few clarity issues in some pictures, and maybe you could play with the shadow and contrast tool in photoshop on the last picture. Just to spruce it up a bit :)

  9. Wow! These are amazing. I love the progression from water to ice to snow. You used light to amplify the appearence of snow and water, and that is great. There could be a little variation in the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th images, but they are all great individually.

  10. Your theme is so unique, I don't know how you thought of that! But I really like the progression and story of your photos. The first picture of the droplets are very clear, and very well captured. I really like how you used a lot of light in your pictures; it makes them pop out and give off an "earthy" mood. The apple picture is also one of my favorites, very cool picture. The only thing that could be improved with your group of pictures is the variety. I feel like some of your pictures are a little too similar. But other than that, great job!
